Tuesday 21 February 2012

5th session of PlayClub at Julia Gabriel

Kids are encouraged to participate in every activities even the cleaning up of toys, singing "Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere. Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share". It's very cute to me to see my helpful Kang Kang Lay. He also keeps his snack plate & juice cup back on the table. It's a good habit to train the little one to keep things after use.

That day we had a parent chat session while kids were at the play area. It was a useful & informatics session for parents. The director of JG & teachers shared their views & knowledge with parents or guardians. They suggested us to reinforce the teaching through playing back at home. And also suggested how to train children to speak in different languages. It's very useful for us as I'm speaking & teaching my son English while the rest of family members are speaking to him in Burmese. We took a group photo after the chat.

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