Thursday 26 January 2012

Kang Kang Lay always makes me pleased

He'd ask for our attentions by asking us to play with him, to sit and watch his favorite DVD with him or by crying.
One fine evening (I think it's on 26/01/2012), Mummy came back from work and Daddy was already at home. He pooed into his diaper and asked us to change by pulling my hands into our room. He insisted that I changed although Daddy said he'd change it for him so that I could take shower. I started to change it for him then he said "Yay good boy". He's telling me that I was a good Mummy because I did as he said. He doesn't know how to use the pronouns correctly yet at this 24 month old though.
We always tell him "good boy" if he does what he's told to do. Cute ah. We all laughed & he made our day!

Amazing and Cute Act of Kang Kang Lay

On 23/01/2012 (1st day of CNY), we were among the crowd moving slowly towards taxi stand at Sentosa beach station while Daddy was carrying the Kang Kang Lay. Kang Kang Lay happened to push a person walking in the opposite direction then our precious said "Sorry".

Daddy, Mummy & Ma Ma Cho Cho (our domestic helper) were amazed and pleased with his reaction. We always say sorry in similar situations to others and to our precious as well. I was surprised that he recall and use it in that instant.

At the same time, I realized that we need to watch our behaviors so our precious can copy the right things from us. He's been learning so much these days and so many things to amaze us every now and then. Parenthood of such an amazing & cute child is priceless.

Monday 23 January 2012

Feeding Schedule & Food for Kang Kang Lay

We introduced him solid food only after he turned 6 month old. He stopped latching milk directly from me since 7 month old and my breast milk supply gradually drops since the demand reduced even though I pumped milk 3 times a day at 5:30am, 7pm, 10pm. He seemed to prefer thicker Formula Milk and milk flow is more than latching from me. He got sweat inside air-con room whenever he latched breast-milk from me. I think that's one of the reason he chose FM over BM.

He became a total formula-fed baby since 8 month old. He likes NAN Pro till 1 year old as the taste is very much similar to breast-milk. He drank 120ml (4oz) per feed, and 4 times per day (3 bottles from night to morning, 1 bottle during afternoon nap). And we put 60ml scoop of milk power in his all 5 meals. I tried Enfa and Similac but he refused them. His total milk intake was around 780ml per day till he was 1 yr old. After a year old, I switched to Gain IQ (Advanced Eye Plus) and he has been drinking more milk. He is drinking it till now (180-240ml during afternoon nap and 300-330ml during bed time and 180ml around 4am and 120ml around 7am).

For breakfast (from 9 to 10am depending on his wake-up timing),

Nestle cereal with mustard or banana
Friso Cream rice or wheat cereal mixed
Nestle oat meal with blended fruits.
Mashed potato, crushed Heinz baby biscuit
We mixed every meal with milk powder dissolved in warm water sometimes.

For Lunch (at 12am after a bath), and Dinner (at 7pm after evening bath),

From 6 month to 1 yr old, Gerber or Nestle brown or white rice cereal with chicken/small fish/fruits (can use chicken or pork soup instead of hot water to prepare). We strictly follow stages of baby cereal according to the recommended age group.

Use a blander to bland or chop veggie (like broccoli, celery, carrot) & meat or fish or prawn into small pieces and then steamed them slowly.

From 1 yr old up to 2 yrs old, lunch and dinner was rice porridge prepared with chicken or pork or fish or prawn, broccoli, celary, red beans (ပဲနီေလး), potato, carrot.
After each meal, my mum gives him Gripe-mixture & water for his digestion.

From 2 yrs old onwards, he's now having mee sua, noddles, vermicelli, rice with dishes & soup prepared specially for him. I specially thank to my Mum who patiently prepare food and feed him well since he is 6 month old.

Heinz puree, Crushed Heinz baby biscuit with milk powder dissolved in warm water are for afternoon snack and supper. He likes to have yogurt & ribena drinks after his afternoon nap since 18 month old. His all-time favourite fruit is Strawberries!

The feeding time never exceeds 15 minutes. Because we put him in high chair so that he can't move or walk around during meal time. We let him watch his favorite DVD. We do not have to chase and feed him.

Bed Time Routine

This is the bedtime routine for our Dear Son since 6 month old:

1) Signal him to brush his teeth & wash his face
2) Say night-night to everyone at home & make milk together with him
3) Help him brush his teeth, wash his face, neck, hands & legs
4) Wipe his body with wet tissues while asking his various body parts (I do not give him warm bath b'coz my mum is against the idea) and Apply Mustela face & body lotion and change diaper
5) Change into his pajama
6) Put him in his bed (now I can ask him to go to bed giving him his milk bottle)
7) Switch on the bed-time music (same piano music tune called "Spring" or "Little Star" from iOrgel app)
8) Read him stories or get him to read alphabet books together
9) After reading a book or two, we dimmed the light and fan him with hand-held fan while he's drinking milk. He sleeps within 15 minute.

We use this ritual since he's 6 month old consistently & persistently. He's used to this schedule and never fuss about going to bed and sleep even when he is still not sleepy and want to play some more.

I learnt the great tips from these websites and changed a bit:

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Sensible Acts of Kang Kang Lay

Our dear son is very sensible. One day (22/12/2011), we were going out to temple. He went out of house, opened the shoe cabinet and took out the red shoe of mine and laid them properly for me to wear. What a big surprise to us! He's not even 2 yet....he's so clever, isn't he?

Last June (he was 15 months old then), he saw me exhausting coming back from hospital after looking after his grandpa, he brought his water bottle to my mouth saying "drink drink". That's when we first saw his sensibility. :))

Whenever he is given some snacks or fruits, he remembers to give them away to Daddy & Mummy. Mummy feels so full with the thoughtfulness of this little precious son. Love you so much, Mwahhhhh

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Kang Kang Lay's Favourite Musical DVD during 1st year

Kang Kang Lay persistently enjoyed the Wheels on the Bus DVD during his 1st year. He likes music & songs especially the songs of the Wheels on the Bus. He shook his head and body with the music whenever he watched them. And clapped his hands cheerfully to his favorite parts.

Apart from the DVDs, he loved watching little Einstein, Mickey Mouse, Pororo aired from Disney channel.

Kang Kang Lay inserting his Favourite Barney DVD to play it at PC (01/01/2012)

Kang Kang Lay inserting his Favourite Barney DVD to play it at PC (01/01/2012) as we wanted to watch our drama from TV.

Kang Kang Lay's favorite DVD during 1-2 years

Here they are:

Barney & friends DVDs: he'll perform together with Barney & friends when they sing songs or even conversations. Sometimes, he knew ahead of what come next so he performed them in advance. Barney's ending song "I love love me..we are happy family..." becomes the bed time song for Kang Kang Lay. Mummy has to sing it for him repeatedly every night.

Brainy Baby DVDs: He asked for them to learn & repeat after words. He'd say "baby baby" if we want us to play it for him.

Alvin & the chipmunks 1&2: His meal time entertainment DVDs. We have to stop watching other episodes during his meal time as he insisted on playing them. Well, he followed & repeated after the conversations. And he danced with Alvin!

Books for Kang Kang Lay during 1st year

Kang Kang Lay enjoyed books. Mummy had to read books for him. Actually, he likes colorful books with babies' acting. He imitated how babies acts in the books. When Mummy pronounced things inside the book, he followed Mummy.