Thursday 26 January 2012

Kang Kang Lay always makes me pleased

He'd ask for our attentions by asking us to play with him, to sit and watch his favorite DVD with him or by crying.
One fine evening (I think it's on 26/01/2012), Mummy came back from work and Daddy was already at home. He pooed into his diaper and asked us to change by pulling my hands into our room. He insisted that I changed although Daddy said he'd change it for him so that I could take shower. I started to change it for him then he said "Yay good boy". He's telling me that I was a good Mummy because I did as he said. He doesn't know how to use the pronouns correctly yet at this 24 month old though.
We always tell him "good boy" if he does what he's told to do. Cute ah. We all laughed & he made our day!

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