Monday 23 January 2012

Bed Time Routine

This is the bedtime routine for our Dear Son since 6 month old:

1) Signal him to brush his teeth & wash his face
2) Say night-night to everyone at home & make milk together with him
3) Help him brush his teeth, wash his face, neck, hands & legs
4) Wipe his body with wet tissues while asking his various body parts (I do not give him warm bath b'coz my mum is against the idea) and Apply Mustela face & body lotion and change diaper
5) Change into his pajama
6) Put him in his bed (now I can ask him to go to bed giving him his milk bottle)
7) Switch on the bed-time music (same piano music tune called "Spring" or "Little Star" from iOrgel app)
8) Read him stories or get him to read alphabet books together
9) After reading a book or two, we dimmed the light and fan him with hand-held fan while he's drinking milk. He sleeps within 15 minute.

We use this ritual since he's 6 month old consistently & persistently. He's used to this schedule and never fuss about going to bed and sleep even when he is still not sleepy and want to play some more.

I learnt the great tips from these websites and changed a bit:

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