Monday 5 March 2012

Kang Kang Lay brushes his teeth on his own at 2 year old

Before my precious, Kang Kang Lay turned 2 yrs, Mummy used tooth wipes with FirstTeeth grapes flavor. After At 2 yr old, he wanted to copy us everything. He saw us brushing teeth & gurgle & spit water every night & morning.
When Mummy saw him being able to gurgle & spit up water, I bought FirstTeeth strawberry flavor from Kiddy Palace coz my boy likes strawberry. I first brushed his teeth for a few weeks then he wanted to do it on his own. So I let him do so by himself. After he brush his teeth in front, upper and lower on right side, upper and lower on left side, he gives me back the brush and i brush for him again. I tell him to be gentle on gums. Every night & morning, he enjoys brushing his teeth, gurgling & spitting with our help. He's such a clever boy as he never fusses about brushing teeth!

YouTube Video

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Kang Kang Lay @ Julia Gabriel Bilingual PlayClub

Kang Kang Lay @ Julia Gabriel Bilingual PlayClub at Orchard Forum Mall (04/03/2012)

YouTube Video

Kang Kang Lay singing and acting with customized nursery song

2 year old Kang Kang Lay singing and acting with customized nursery song (12/02/2012)

Kang Kang Lay playing Angry Bird

2 Year Old Kang Kang Lay playing Angry Bird (13/02/2012)

2 Year Old Kang Kang Lay playing Angry Bird (14/02/2012)

Kang Kang Lay Reciting A-Z

2 year old Kang Kang Lay reciting A-Z on 12/02/2012

Tuesday 21 February 2012

6th session of PlayClub at Julia Gabriel

Word of the day: Bus (Ba shi)
Art & Craft: Ball
Playtime with Flour

Kang Kang Lay is now speaking fluently in sentences

His first long sentence was "Alvin ႀကည့္ျခင္လို႔ပါ". He's a fan of "Alvin & chipmunks". He has a butt of Theodore, wits of Alvin and smart but shy act of Simon. Haha.

Later on, he said "Marney ကိုခ်စ္တယ္, Daddy ကိုခ်စ္တယ္, ဖြားဖြား ဖိုးဖိုး ဦးဦး တီတီ မမ ကိုခ်စ္တယ္"

I worried that my son would delay in speech because I read that most bilingual kids takes more time to start speaking up in long sentences. Partly might be due to many family members at home talking to him everyday. On weekdays, my mum & helper talk to him in Burmese...well they are quite talkative :D That's why he's more fluent in Burmese right now. Actually only Mummy is speaking to him in English persistently everyday but I can communicate with him only after work and during weekends. I let him learn English from educational DVD and cartoons which I still think it's effective as well.

We are being amazed by his speeches everyday. We sometimes don't know where and when and how he learnt new sentences like "လ်ွာထိပ္မွာ ကပ္ေနတယ္", "ဦးဦးရယ္လာပါေတာ့ Dance ခ်င္လို႔ပါ". We didn't say such things in front of him before.

He understands simple English instructions very well and speaks short sentences sometimes such as "don't want, don't bite, drink milk/ soup/ water, see you, take care, etc." He yesterday told my father "Wait ya, ok?" showing "ok" sign with his fingers. Cute sia!

5th session of PlayClub at Julia Gabriel

Kids are encouraged to participate in every activities even the cleaning up of toys, singing "Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere. Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share". It's very cute to me to see my helpful Kang Kang Lay. He also keeps his snack plate & juice cup back on the table. It's a good habit to train the little one to keep things after use.

That day we had a parent chat session while kids were at the play area. It was a useful & informatics session for parents. The director of JG & teachers shared their views & knowledge with parents or guardians. They suggested us to reinforce the teaching through playing back at home. And also suggested how to train children to speak in different languages. It's very useful for us as I'm speaking & teaching my son English while the rest of family members are speaking to him in Burmese. We took a group photo after the chat.

4th session of PlayClub at Julia Gabriel

3rd session of PlayClub at Julia Gabriel

Word of the day: Red
Art&Craft: Ang Pao packet

It's a small Chinese New Year celebration in the class.

Everyone was suggested to wear red outfits to go with the theme.

2nd session of PlayClub at Julia Gabriel

Word of the day: Boat
Play time: Sand play