Monday 21 March 2011

Words that Kang Kang lay understood and spoken up by 1 year old

1) Mummy
2) Dad Dad
3) grandma (ဖြားဖြား)
4) grandma
5) Oo Oo (ဦးဦး)
6) Ti Ti
7) bye Bye
8) milk (နုိ႔နုိ႔ )
9) sleep
10) eat
11) ball
12) go out
13) want
14) don't want
15) No No
16) carry (ခ်ီ)
17) water
18) poo poo
19) pee
20) Ma Ma
21) phone
22) TV
23) blinking light (မိွတ္တုတ္ မိွတ္တုတ္)
24) fish
25) pay homage to the Buddha image, ဦးေတာ္
26) Pooh
27) dog
28) cat
29) car
30) shoe
31) baby
32) open the door
33) close the door
34) kiss
35) drum
36) cake
37) chair
38) clap your hands

Monday 14 March 2011

Characteristics of our Little Prince during the 1st year

1) He always give Heartiest Sweet Smiles
2) He loves to be carried & cradled before he sleeps
3) He loves music & songs and will start to shake head & body upon hearing music and songs
4) He must watch his favorite DVD series: wheels on the bus during meal times and watch them repeatedly
5) He flipped less than 10 times only as he didn't enjoy his tummy time
6) He didn't crawl but shuffled his butts to move around
7) He likes solid food/ cereals/ strawberries a lot but he drank little milk (120ml per feed and 4-5 feeds per day only)
8) He never liked to sit in the stroller and Daddy liked to carry him when we go outside as a result, he seldom used stroller
9) His hairs were very thin. So Daddy shaved his hairs frequently yet still v.thin
10) He is extremely tall like us!
11) He can identify strangers since v.young & scared to be taken away by them. So he is kinda scared of strangers and keep himself a distance from them.
12) He loves at camera instantly.
13) He will make sure the door of cabinet is closed after use
14) He likes wearing new clothes
15) He can identify a new thing at a glance
16) He likes to see himself in mirror
17) He can identify correct remote controls for TV, DVD, set-top box, etc since 24 month old
18) He arrange things nicely
19) He likes cleanliness and ask for wiping out of spill or drop
20) He'll hug & kiss non-stop upon request by family