Monday 11 January 2010

Last checkup and How we chose 12 Jan to be the birth date of our little Prince

During our last checkup at Gynae's clinic (to be exact 7 Jan Thursday), we found out that baby's umbilical cord was around his neck. He must have been doing a lot of somersets inside lol. It's dangerous to give birth to him naturally and Dr Jen suggested to opt for Cesarian and asked us to choose either 9 Jan (Sat) or 12 Jan (Tue). We first chose 9 Jan as Mummy like the number 9.

We went back home with excitement. "Our lil prince is coming out in 2 days!" Something came up to my mind...he's gonna be a Saturday born. Being a bit of superstitious, I was a bit worried the fact that both my mum and Daddy Htun Htun are Saturday born. Our first child is also going to be a Saturday born. I read that 3 Saturday born family members living in under same house will bring troubles to family. Then I checked "Maha Bote" (မဟာဘုတ္) which again tells me that he's going to be a "Puti" (ပုတိဖြား) who wont have much success in life and will not have fame. So I changed my mind not to give birth on 9 Jan. Daddy, being hesitated to ask for date change to hospital & gynae, refused to. Then I searched for the astrology book that i kept to prove hime that 9 Jan is not a good day. It took us a few hours to look for mum, Daddy, Shwe Zin all looked for the book everywhere and finally found it in a bag of old books inside the storeroom. I flipped the page for that the worst of all, he won't be able to live with both parents. My mum is also a Puti (ပုတိဖြား) also lived separately with parents as her aunts adopted out of affections. So our minds were made up to 12 Jan...then he'll become a "a-di-pa-di" (အဓိပဒိဖြား). It's about 10+pm when we came up with decision firmly.

The next day, we rushed to the gynae clinic & requested to change. Fortunately, we could change it to 12 Jan. With light heart, we then headed to AMK HUB to buy our first iPhone 3GS, which is the love of gift that Daddy gave Mummy. It's also believed to be useful to take good video, connect to Internet & fast update in Facebook with photos & videos. Everything was settled. Mummy's mind was in peace. I couldn't forget that feeling.

Well, let's just have to wait for the 12 Jan with excitement & happiness.