Monday 5 March 2012

Kang Kang Lay brushes his teeth on his own at 2 year old

Before my precious, Kang Kang Lay turned 2 yrs, Mummy used tooth wipes with FirstTeeth grapes flavor. After At 2 yr old, he wanted to copy us everything. He saw us brushing teeth & gurgle & spit water every night & morning.
When Mummy saw him being able to gurgle & spit up water, I bought FirstTeeth strawberry flavor from Kiddy Palace coz my boy likes strawberry. I first brushed his teeth for a few weeks then he wanted to do it on his own. So I let him do so by himself. After he brush his teeth in front, upper and lower on right side, upper and lower on left side, he gives me back the brush and i brush for him again. I tell him to be gentle on gums. Every night & morning, he enjoys brushing his teeth, gurgling & spitting with our help. He's such a clever boy as he never fusses about brushing teeth!

YouTube Video

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Kang Kang Lay @ Julia Gabriel Bilingual PlayClub

Kang Kang Lay @ Julia Gabriel Bilingual PlayClub at Orchard Forum Mall (04/03/2012)

YouTube Video

Kang Kang Lay singing and acting with customized nursery song

2 year old Kang Kang Lay singing and acting with customized nursery song (12/02/2012)

Kang Kang Lay playing Angry Bird

2 Year Old Kang Kang Lay playing Angry Bird (13/02/2012)

2 Year Old Kang Kang Lay playing Angry Bird (14/02/2012)

Kang Kang Lay Reciting A-Z

2 year old Kang Kang Lay reciting A-Z on 12/02/2012

Tuesday 21 February 2012